Thursday, May 2, 2024 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
12700 E 19th Ave
#PediatricNutritionPediatrics Nutrition Seminar Series:
"Aligning Therapeutic Menus with the Pediatric Nutrition Care Manual” and "Improving Nutrition Interventions in Pressure Injuries"
Presented by the Nutrition Dietetic Interns:
Allison Meyer, MS
Dana Levin, MA, MS, IBCLC
Emily Charnock, MS
Rayanna Becker, MS
Thanh Thanh Tran, MS
Whitnee Nguyen, MS
Thursday, May 2
12–1 p.m.
Research 2, Room 5105 or via Zoom
The Nutrition Seminar Series is presented every 2 weeks in Research Complex 2, Room 5101 from 12pm to 1pm, both in-person and virtual. Both local and visiting speakers share the most cutting-edge research from a variety of disciplines, related to Nutrition. It is sponsored by the Section of Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics and the NORC (Nutrition Obesity Research Center).
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 925 3834 3519
Passcode: 965825